Quality of life is increasingly being considered concerning children, teens, and adults with congenital heart disease. Regardless, reviews of pediatric cardiology literature found that limited research had been done on the quality of life in patients with congenital heart disease, especially as it related to social functioning and overall well-being. The existing research on quality of life in adolescents with congenital heart disease also underrepresented the adolescents' point of view. in their review of quality of life in pediatric cardiology, were concerned that consensus has not been reached about the exact determinants of quality of life. This can lead to problems when determining which tool to use to measure quality of life. Moons et al. defined quality of life broadly in terms of satisfaction with life, a concept that “corresponds to overall quality of life and is not limited to health-related quality of life” The teens' perspective about all aspects of their life, not just their congenital heart disease, is considered.