the student's voice betrays him and crack
"yes,professor.I do"
the old man shakes his head sadly
"science say you have five senses you use to identify and observe the world around you.have you?"
"yes,of course sir,I do have five senses"
then slowly raising his voice the professor continues
have you ever seen your god?
no sir I have never seen Him.
then tell us if you have ever heard your god ?
no sir.I have not.
have you ever felt your god tasted your god or smelt your god... in fact do you have any sensory perception of your god whatsoever?
no answer
"aswer me please"
no sir i'm afraid i have not
you are have not
no sir
yes you still believe in him?
that tskes faith the professor smiles sagely at the underling
according to the rules of empirical testable demonstrable protocal science say your god doesn't exist what do you say to that son
where is your god now
the student doesn't answer
sit down please
the muslim sits...defeated
another muslim raises his hand "professor" may i address the class?
the professos turns and smiles "ah another muslim in the vangurad! come, come,young man speak some proper wisdom to the gathering
the muslim looks around the room "some interesting points you are making sir
now i have god a question for you is there such thing as heat?
yes the professor replies there is heat
is there sush a thing as cold
yes son there is cold too
no sir there is not