The reason we are very upset is the mistake you made in the FORM E for the 50KG for Millimed. : you stated “ FLIGHT DETAIL “ on the FORM E and that is a complete confusion.
Because the orders are on the same AWB, in view of the wrong FORM E, and the consequences are costly for us we have to pay 10% import duty because of the combined ingredients of this API. The AWB CANNOT BE Changed because the shipment have arrived in Bangkok on Flight: SC4075.
- We have just sent back by DHL the above mentioned documents. Attached (*) is the DHL’s shipment waybill for you to track
- Either you have to issue a NEW FORM E with a new No. or can you correct the current wrong FORM E ? Send us copies by email as usual and ORIGINAL and Triplicate by courier
for early re-imbursement from Customs (around ½ a million Baths).
- Cancel the wrong Form E which we will return to you in due course.
Please rush back by DHL courier, the correct ORIGINAL FORM E and TRIPLICATE so that we can get re-imbursed.
Hope you can understand
Best regards,