#1123: The commander's flag succeeds in obtaining
„Bang” “轰” In all people, was condensed formation that is shocked by Bai Ruo Chen, the most astonishing outbreak, megalith that was covered by Formation formation, unexpectedly one of the bang phonochemical is the smashing. 就在所有人,都被白若尘所凝聚的阵法惊呆之际,最为惊人的一幕突然发生了,那被结界阵法覆盖的巨石,竟然轰的一声化为粉碎。 „Buzz” at the same time, dazzling light beam, shoots up to the sky, enters the clouds, but raids together with that light beam, unexpectedly is fluctuation by fits and starts. “嗡”与此同时,一道耀眼的光束,也是冲天而起,直入云霄,而伴随着那光束一同袭来的,竟然是一阵又一阵的波动。 That fluctuation very marvelous, does not have the how big energy, almost will not cause the slightest sign of trouble, but can actually convey an information, that information has two characters, flag. 那波动非常的奇妙,没有多么大的能量,几乎不会引起风吹草动,但却能够传达一个信息,那信息只有两个字,将旗。 „Can't? Her really success?” Looks at that dazzling ray, is feeling that from the information that the mind passed over gently and swiftly, all people are feel inconceivable, speed that after all this Bai Ruo Chen breaks through the enemy lines , was too rather quick. “不会吧?难道她真的成功了?”看着那耀眼的光芒,感受着那自脑海掠过的信息,所有人都是感觉不可思议,毕竟这白若尘破阵的速度,也未免太快了一些。 But when the people have suspected, that light beam starts to abate slowly, when that ray dissipates all, a flag also appeared in the central zone of megalith, inserted, in that remained above not many megaliths. 而就在人们有所怀疑之际,那光束开始缓缓消退,当那光芒尽数消散之时,一杆大旗也是出现在了巨石的中心地带,插在那所剩不多的巨石之上。 „Oh, unexpectedly really flag!!!” “天哪,竟然真的是将旗!!!” After seeing that flag, all people are dumbfounded, because that flag is not the ordinary flag, on the flag of its swinging, writes a shining large character against the wind, „”! 看到那杆大旗之后,所有人都是目瞪口呆,因为那杆大旗可不是普通的旗帜,在它那迎风摆动的旗帜上面,写着一个金灿灿的大字,“将”! Right, the flag, at this moment, presents in the people eyes the flag. 没错,将旗,此时此刻,出现在众人眼中的就是将旗。 Although, early some guesses, know that in these 20 megaliths, decides however has existence of flag, but after taking seriously seeing the flag, will feel excitedly, not only can obtain the massive rewards the flag, this is a glory. 虽然,早有猜测,知道这20块巨石之中,定然有将旗的存在,但当真正的看到将旗之后,还是会感觉激动万分,将旗不仅能够得到大量的奖励,这更是一种荣耀。 Let alone, Bai Ruo Chen by original vision, so accurate has selected this stone, and to so the speed, have explained the stone, has attained the flag, such strength, has saying that makes the human gasp in admiration. 何况,白若尘以独到的眼光,如此精准的选中了这块石头,并且以如此速度,破解了石头,拿到了将旗,这样的实力,不得不说让人为之叹服。 At this moment, Bai Ruo Chen is also joyful extremely, she does not pay attention to the people to her is what view, but opens the white hands, grasped the flag that in the hand, during the ray twinkles, this was received in Cosmos Sack the flag by her. 此刻,白若尘也是欣喜万分,她也不理会众人对她是何看法,而是张开玉手,将那将旗握在了手中,光芒闪烁之间,这道将旗已是被她收入了乾坤袋内。 After completing these, the corners of the mouth of Bai Ruo Chen, raise wipe the charming smiling face, turned head to go to the place that Chu Feng is at the vision. 做完这些之后,白若尘的嘴角,才扬起一抹迷人的笑容,回过头来将目光投向楚枫所在的地方。 However, when her vision locks, position that Chu Feng is, actually stares, because of her accidental discovery, just also stood there Chu Feng, already vanished does not see, and in this in all directions, could not feel that the Chu Feng aura, Chu Feng walked obviously.