During storage time, moisture, acid and alcohol contents of non microwave heating treatments were significantly increased 8.91, 29.16 and 19.14%,
respectively whereas sucrose contents and pH values of those treatments were decreased 55.18 and 8.53%,
respectively. Moisture, acid and alcohol contents of microwave heating treatments at 56 sec were increased
3.74, 10.89 and 12.5% while sucrose content and pH were decreased 46.63 and 2.84%, respectively. However,
the chemical properties of 28 – 56 sec of the microwave heating treatments from day 6 were changed lower than
others. The heating time for 49 and 56 sec showed significant reduction for TPC compared with others during
storage. In conclusion, the appropriate microwave heating time for Khao-Mark was 21 sec due to no significant
difference of the chemical properties when compared with the treatments of 35 - 56 sec (P>0.05).