The writer of achievement test items is confronted with two major problems, as
Lindquist pointed out nearly half a century ago (Lindquist , 1936, p. 17). The
first of these is the problem of what to measure. The second is how to measure it.
The solution proposed for the first problem is to focus primarily on testing for
knowledge and only secondarily on testing for abi lities. Cognitive abilities, it is
reasonable to believe, depend entirely on knowledge. Although the term knowledge,
as commonly used , includes both information and understanding, the most
useful kind of knowledge , the kind that will occupy our attention almost exclusively,
is that which involves understanding. Understood knowledge is a
structure of relations among concepts. To understand is to be aware of relationships.
Each of these relationships can be expressed in words as a proposition.
The solution proposed for the second problem is to present the examinee with
a series of incomplete propositions , accompanied by two or more alternative
completions, only one of which makes the proposition true. Many of the current
issues in the writing of achievement test items are related to these two proposed
so lutions.
The writer of achievement test items is confronted with two major problems, asLindquist pointed out nearly half a century ago (Lindquist , 1936, p. 17). Thefirst of these is the problem of what to measure. The second is how to measure it.The solution proposed for the first problem is to focus primarily on testing forknowledge and only secondarily on testing for abi lities. Cognitive abilities, it isreasonable to believe, depend entirely on knowledge. Although the term knowledge,as commonly used , includes both information and understanding, the mostuseful kind of knowledge , the kind that will occupy our attention almost exclusively,is that which involves understanding. Understood knowledge is astructure of relations among concepts. To understand is to be aware of relationships.Each of these relationships can be expressed in words as a proposition.The solution proposed for the second problem is to present the examinee witha series of incomplete propositions , accompanied by two or more alternativecompletions, only one of which makes the proposition true. Many of the currentissues in the writing of achievement test items are related to these two proposedso lutions.
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