Of the 310 survey respondents, 167 indicated being observed by the same principal during the previous school year. These respondents also indicated their frequency of interactions during the prior year. A case-by¬case analysis revealed that 25 of the 167 teachers who reported the same prior-year principal changed frequency groups: five teachers moved from No Contact to Some Contact, and 20 teachers moved from Some Contact to High Contact. Conversely, 10 of the 167 teachers reported a decrease in frequency of principal interactions during the program year: three teachers moved from High Contact to Some Contact while seven teachers decreased
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from Some Contact to No Contact. This small percentage of teachers report¬ing no contact with their principals was also reflected in the supply response section of the survey.
In addition to frequency groups, an average frequency score was cal-culated to allow an additional comparison between current and previous year frequency of interaction scores. The mean of current year frequency interactions rating was 2.12, while the previous year mean frequency of interaction rating was 1.97. A two-tailed, paired sample