Re: RE-SENDING: LEP Attendance: please withdraw from Term 1/2015
Johannes G. Kirkels เพิ่มในรายชื่อผู้ติดต่อ 14:08 ให้ข้อความนี้อยู่ที่ด้านบนของกล่องขาเข้า
ถึง: สำเนาถึง: Sarinya Jearranairoongroj, Sarah K. Boulle
Dear Toey
First of all, thanks for your nice email about my crash this morning - I am fine but a bit bruised and dizzy from the medicine.
The email I sent you earlier, contained a mistake - my apologies;
it said "Dear Arm", but unfortunately should have said " Dear Toey" so the email below does apply to you:
All Teachers' attendance reports were checked yesterday and it seems that you have not shown for a single class with Aj. Sarah.
Consequently, I regret to inform you that
1) You cannot take any more exams
2) You can not attend any more English classes with Aj. Sarah in Term 1/2015
3) You must withdraw from Aj. Sarah's class this term, and start again with the same level next term (term 2/2015) .
As you know, ENT101 is not affected by the above, so please keep studying that this term, with me.
If there is anything you wish to discuss, please do so with me, and don't bother Aj. Sarah - thank you.
Best regards,
Hans Kirkels
Director, Laureate English Program (LEP)
Stamford International University, Petchburi Campus
Mobile: +66 (0) 8727 65127
1458 Petchkasem Road
Cha'am, Petchburi 76120
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