Eggs, nymphs, and adults
can be found in any month of the year, but the
majority of eggs are found during the early spring
and fall. Nymphs and adults become active in the
spring and can be found in increasing numbers in the
upper 12 to 15 cm of soil during the spring and early
summer. Eggs are laid in clusters of 4 to 25 at
various depths in the soil depending on soil
temperature, moisture, and structure. Eggs hatch in
about 40 days and nymphs begin feeding on small
roots. The total development time from egg to adult
takes about five months at 10oC. Nymphs and adults
move vertically and laterally in the soil seeking
depths where favorable temperature and moisture
occurs. Cool temperatures during the fall or extreme
dryness will force them deeper. There are one to two
generations each year.