Display determines whether the graph is Isotropic (X and Y units are 'square', insuring that semi-circles appear correctly) or Free (X and Y scaling is not linked).
Each axis can be independently configured as Linear or Logarithmic.
The Min and Max values determine the left and right extent of the X-Axis and the bottom and top of the Y-Axis.
Note: The Min can actually be larger than the Max, producing an inverted axis. For example, impedance data is often plotted with the Y axis inverted.
The Label specifies the increment between numbers on the axis. Tic determines the distance between the small 'tic' marks between numbers.
The Label, Tic, and Origin are not applicable to Log axes.
The Graph Title is normally placed at the upper-left corner of the graph, but can be moved by clicking and dragging the text on the graph.
The font used for the Graph Title can be modified through the File | Page Setup... menu.