Other festivals of Te Han (Ati Atihan) saya-Islands-Philippines. Festival time: every Sunday 3 January Continue for a period of 3 days 3 nights .Other other Han festivals held at the city of kalibo. In the province of Aklan, Philippines this festive season, and intended to show respect, "Ellison's eyes" (Aetas) .As the first tribes that settled on the island, while Jesus Christ deep in young children (Child Jesus) to show respect and deep time Christianity had come to .Publish to this land for the first time, a person's eye-shape jewelry tribal's dark skin is a shape santhat curly hair. Best price that other other Han (Ati Atihan), meaning, such as vaseline, or .Tribes-Ta very loud. In this festival have seen villagers together to repel the meat, as in SIDA dress ethnic dress with bright. Festive fun-dancing come out on the streets to BA .According to the rhythm of the sensational siangklong If you go to this job then tell that if you can't stand the modest official side . Not to miss is the people that join this dance parade, na SI .Or da ta Ta ta carbon from next disturbed the locals, of course, because for other other Han festivals, considered a face purely as a constraint refinement banned themselves.