Encourage mobilization.
• If patient is immobile, do simple range of
motion exercises:
- Exercise limbs and joints at least twice
daily—use booklet to show caregiver how
to do ROM on each of the key 7 joints (on
both sides).
- Protect the joint by holding the limb
above and below it and support as much
as you can.
- Bend, straighten, and move joints as far
as they normally go; be gentle and move
slowly without causing pain.
- Stretch joints by holding as before but
with firm steady pressure.
- Let the patient do it as far as they can and
help the rest of the way.
- Massage.
_ If the sick persons feels like vomiting:
• Seek locally available foods which patient
likes (tastes may change with illness) and
which cause less nausea.
• Frequently offer small foods such as roasted
potatoes, cassava or.