The results of analysis of variance showedthat the effect of environment on rooting percen-tage and root number was significant at 0.01probability level (Table 2). The culture mediumof MS 1.2 (with a mean rooting percentage of 22.77%) had higher inductive effective on root-ing. Also, Arnold et al.(1995) reported that thedecrease in the concentration of mineral salts in-creased rooting in most rose cultivars. Accordingto analysis of variance, the effect of IAA andIBA hormones on rooting percentage and numberwas significant at 0.01 probability level. Also, theinteraction between IAA and IBA significantlyaffected root percentage and number at 0.01probability level (Table 2). According to DuncanTest, the IBA concentration of 1 mg/l and IAAconcentration of 1.5 mg/l had the highest induc-tive effect with an average rooting percentage of 39% (Fig. 3). The IBA concentration of 0.5 mg/land IAA concentration of 1.5 mg/l with a meanroot number of 4 and IBA concentration of 1 mg/l and IAA concentration of 1.5 mg/l with amean root number of 3.8 were ranked in group Aand had the highest effect on rooting percentage(Fig. 4).