#1302: Defoliation Bamboo Forest
„This is also in the reason, because with soaring showdown time, that female baby, had revealed oneself true skill, she is Emperor-cloak World Spiritist.” Seedling Elder said. “这也是情理之中的,因为与飞腾对决的时候,那个女娃娃,才亮出了自己真正的本事,她是一位皇袍界灵师。”苗长老说道。 „What? Emperor-cloak World Spiritist? Her is much old? Can become Emperor-cloak World Spiritist unexpectedly?” The small face of Sima Ying full is shocking, cannot bear closely examine. “什么?皇袍界灵师?她的年龄多大?竟能够成为皇袍界灵师?”司马颖的小脸满是震惊,忍不住追问。 Must know that Emperor-cloak World Spiritist no small matter, in Holy Land of Martialism, any person who becomes Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, where regardless of arrives, will earn the respect of person. 要知道,皇袍界灵师非同小可,在武之圣土,凡是成为皇袍界灵师的人,无论走到哪里,都会得到人的尊重。 But listened to seedling Elder saying that the female should be the same to them, was young one generation, young generation of Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, this was really extremely astonishing. 而听苗长老所说,那女子应该与她们一样,乃是年轻一辈,一个年轻一辈的皇袍界灵师,这实在是太过惊人了。 „Has not seen her appearance, is unable to judge her age, but from her sound judgment, the doll should differ not many with you, even if big, many, most just crossed 20 at the worst.” Seedling Elder said. “没有看到她容颜,无法判断她年龄,不过从她的声音判断,那女娃应该与你相差不多,就算大,也大不了多少,最多刚过20而已。”苗长老说道。 „, So didn't age unexpectedly unexpectedly become Emperor-cloak World Spiritist?” “不是吧,如此年龄竟竟然成为了皇袍界灵师?” At this moment, even if was Sima Ying is also frightened, 20-year-old Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, Holy Land of Martialism had to appear. 这一刻,哪怕是司马颖也被吓到了,20岁的皇袍界灵师,武之圣土不是没出现过。 As long as but can in 20 years old, then become Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, became one generation of resounding great World Spiritist, almost once had mounted, Holy Land of Martialism World Spiritist most peak great person. 可但凡是能够在20岁,便成为皇袍界灵师的,都成为了一代响当当的伟大界灵师,几乎是都曾登上过,武之圣土界灵师最巅峰的大人物。 But in her master alliance, not to mention 20-year-old Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, nowadays in disciple of master alliance, almost nobody is Emperor-cloak World Spiritist. 而在她界师联盟之中,莫说20岁的皇袍界灵师,现如今界师联盟的弟子之中,几乎无人是皇袍界灵师。 May nowadays, beside master alliance, present 20-year-old Emperor-cloak World Spiritist unexpectedly, this regarding Master Lianmeng, is not the good news, on the contrary, this is a huge bad news. 可现如今,在界师联盟之外,竟出现了一位20岁的皇袍界灵师,这对于界师联盟来说,可不是什么好消息,相反,这是一个天大的坏消息。 „That afterward? Finally result how? My master alliance, does not have one person to be the match of that girl, can't a person defeat her?” Sima Ying asked. “那后来呢?最后结果如何?我界师联盟,就没有一人能够是那个丫头的对手,没有一人能够将她击败么?”司马颖问道。 „Now in the juniors of my master alliance, does not have Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, natural nobody can win her.” “如今我界师联盟的小辈之中,没有皇袍界灵师,自然无人能够胜她。” „But, for the face countenance of my master alliance, my master alliance naturally cannot acknowledge that the punishment is deserved, after the Fu Feiteng defeat, then no longer sends disciple to compete the technique of World Spirit with it.” “不过,为了我界师联盟的颜面,我界师联盟自然不会认栽,在付飞腾败下阵后,便不再派弟子与其比拼界灵之术。” „And found the excuse saying that my master alliance, strongest disciple in the alliance, did not make him to cross the section date and time to fight again, but they also complied.” “并且找借口说,我界师联盟,最强的弟子不在联盟之内,约他过段时日再战,而他们也答应了。” „When to guarantee, that female baby will come next time again, we can recapture to belong to the dignity of my master alliance.” “为了确保,下次那女娃娃再来之时,我们能够夺回属于我界师联盟的尊严。” „Therefore after the alliance conference, the numerous positions manages a household World Spiritist after the unanimous approval, decides not to hesitate at all costs, must open Emperor Wave Changing Cocoon Split.” “所以经过联盟会议,众位当家界灵师的一致同意后,才决定不惜一切代价,都要开启破茧成皇阵。” „And chooses my master alliance, now most has the ten juniors of talent, enters, practices.” “并且挑选出我界师联盟,如今最有天赋的十位小辈,进入其中,进行修炼。” „Is, is hope through Emperor Wave Changing Cocoon Split, trains several Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, can exceed that female, defends the reputation of my master alliance.” Seedling Elder said. “为的,就是希望通过破茧成皇阵,培养出几位皇袍界灵师,能够胜过那个女子,守住我界师联盟的名誉。”苗长老说道。 „Suddenly, to be how many such strong person, then seedling Elder you may know that the old man and that female, are actually where sacred? Can be some influence sends, wrecks the event?” Sima Ying curious asking. “怎么会忽然间,多出这么强的人,那么苗长老您可知道,那老者与那女子,究竟是何方神圣?会是某个势力派出来,砸场子的么?”司马颖好奇的问道。 „Does not know that is actually what background, but my their just before leaving time, Li Elder of my master alliance, once in secret had tracked actually, wants to nose the background of opposite party.” “不知道究竟是何来路,但是我他们临行的时候,我界师联盟的李长老,倒是曾暗中跟踪过,想要查探一下对方的来路。” „Has not thought that actually by the opposite party throwing off.” Seedling Elder said. “可不曾想,却被对方给甩掉了。”苗长老说道。 „Lian Li was Elder thrown off?” Sima Ying is surprised once again, who Li Elder is, the Sima Ying nature is clear.
#1302: defoliation ป่าไผ่„This is also in the reason, because with soaring showdown time, that female baby, had revealed oneself true skill, she is Emperor-cloak World Spiritist.” Seedling Elder said. “这也是情理之中的,因为与飞腾对决的时候,那个女娃娃,才亮出了自己真正的本事,她是一位皇袍界灵师。”苗长老说道。 „What? Emperor-cloak World Spiritist? Her is much old? Can become Emperor-cloak World Spiritist unexpectedly?” The small face of Sima Ying full is shocking, cannot bear closely examine. “什么?皇袍界灵师?她的年龄多大?竟能够成为皇袍界灵师?”司马颖的小脸满是震惊,忍不住追问。 Must know that Emperor-cloak World Spiritist no small matter, in Holy Land of Martialism, any person who becomes Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, where regardless of arrives, will earn the respect of person. 要知道,皇袍界灵师非同小可,在武之圣土,凡是成为皇袍界灵师的人,无论走到哪里,都会得到人的尊重。 But listened to seedling Elder saying that the female should be the same to them, was young one generation, young generation of Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, this was really extremely astonishing. 而听苗长老所说,那女子应该与她们一样,乃是年轻一辈,一个年轻一辈的皇袍界灵师,这实在是太过惊人了。 „Has not seen her appearance, is unable to judge her age, but from her sound judgment, the doll should differ not many with you, even if big, many, most just crossed 20 at the worst.” Seedling Elder said. “没有看到她容颜,无法判断她年龄,不过从她的声音判断,那女娃应该与你相差不多,就算大,也大不了多少,最多刚过20而已。”苗长老说道。 „, So didn't age unexpectedly unexpectedly become Emperor-cloak World Spiritist?” “不是吧,如此年龄竟竟然成为了皇袍界灵师?” At this moment, even if was Sima Ying is also frightened, 20-year-old Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, Holy Land of Martialism had to appear. 这一刻,哪怕是司马颖也被吓到了,20岁的皇袍界灵师,武之圣土不是没出现过。 As long as but can in 20 years old, then become Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, became one generation of resounding great World Spiritist, almost once had mounted, Holy Land of Martialism World Spiritist most peak great person. 可但凡是能够在20岁,便成为皇袍界灵师的,都成为了一代响当当的伟大界灵师,几乎是都曾登上过,武之圣土界灵师最巅峰的大人物。 But in her master alliance, not to mention 20-year-old Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, nowadays in disciple of master alliance, almost nobody is Emperor-cloak World Spiritist. 而在她界师联盟之中,莫说20岁的皇袍界灵师,现如今界师联盟的弟子之中,几乎无人是皇袍界灵师。 May nowadays, beside master alliance, present 20-year-old Emperor-cloak World Spiritist unexpectedly, this regarding Master Lianmeng, is not the good news, on the contrary, this is a huge bad news. 可现如今,在界师联盟之外,竟出现了一位20岁的皇袍界灵师,这对于界师联盟来说,可不是什么好消息,相反,这是一个天大的坏消息。 „That afterward? Finally result how? My master alliance, does not have one person to be the match of that girl, can't a person defeat her?” Sima Ying asked. “那后来呢?最后结果如何?我界师联盟,就没有一人能够是那个丫头的对手,没有一人能够将她击败么?”司马颖问道。 „Now in the juniors of my master alliance, does not have Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, natural nobody can win her.” “如今我界师联盟的小辈之中,没有皇袍界灵师,自然无人能够胜她。” „But, for the face countenance of my master alliance, my master alliance naturally cannot acknowledge that the punishment is deserved, after the Fu Feiteng defeat, then no longer sends disciple to compete the technique of World Spirit with it.” “不过,为了我界师联盟的颜面,我界师联盟自然不会认栽,在付飞腾败下阵后,便不再派弟子与其比拼界灵之术。” „And found the excuse saying that my master alliance, strongest disciple in the alliance, did not make him to cross the section date and time to fight again, but they also complied.” “并且找借口说,我界师联盟,最强的弟子不在联盟之内,约他过段时日再战,而他们也答应了。” „When to guarantee, that female baby will come next time again, we can recapture to belong to the dignity of my master alliance.” “为了确保,下次那女娃娃再来之时,我们能够夺回属于我界师联盟的尊严。” „Therefore after the alliance conference, the numerous positions manages a household World Spiritist after the unanimous approval, decides not to hesitate at all costs, must open Emperor Wave Changing Cocoon Split.” “所以经过联盟会议,众位当家界灵师的一致同意后,才决定不惜一切代价,都要开启破茧成皇阵。” „And chooses my master alliance, now most has the ten juniors of talent, enters, practices.” “并且挑选出我界师联盟,如今最有天赋的十位小辈,进入其中,进行修炼。” „Is, is hope through Emperor Wave Changing Cocoon Split, trains several Emperor-cloak World Spiritist, can exceed that female, defends the reputation of my master alliance.” Seedling Elder said. “为的,就是希望通过破茧成皇阵,培养出几位皇袍界灵师,能够胜过那个女子,守住我界师联盟的名誉。”苗长老说道。 „Suddenly, to be how many such strong person, then seedling Elder you may know that the old man and that female, are actually where sacred? Can be some influence sends, wrecks the event?” Sima Ying curious asking. “怎么会忽然间,多出这么强的人,那么苗长老您可知道,那老者与那女子,究竟是何方神圣?会是某个势力派出来,砸场子的么?”司马颖好奇的问道。 „Does not know that is actually what background, but my their just before leaving time, Li Elder of my master alliance, once in secret had tracked actually, wants to nose the background of opposite party.” “不知道究竟是何来路,但是我他们临行的时候,我界师联盟的李长老,倒是曾暗中跟踪过,想要查探一下对方的来路。” „Has not thought that actually by the opposite party throwing off.” Seedling Elder said. “可不曾想,却被对方给甩掉了。”苗长老说道。 „Lian Li was Elder thrown off?” Sima Ying is surprised once again, who Li Elder is, the Sima Ying nature is clear.
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