Aflatoxin Aspergillus flavus BioagentsChilliFungicidesPlant extracts
Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) is the universal spice and is grown in almost all states of India for the domestic market and export purpose. Chilli crop suffers from many field and post harvest diseases such as damping off, anthracnose or fruit rot, die back, wilt, murda complex, leaf spots and powdery mildew mostly under field conditions but the infection of chilli due to aflatoxin fungi, Aspergillus flavus is specific during and after harvest. The infection occurs on stored fruits and the contamination with aflatoxin deteriorates the quality and make the produce unfit for consumption, thereby restricting the export trade. The incidence of A. flavus contamination on chilli fruits was recorded up to 29.3% (Naik et al. 2003) in the Northern region of Karnataka. Aflatoxin contamination and pesticide residues are the twin problems faced by Indian chillies in the global market trade. It is essential to formulate proper strategies for management of aflatoxin contamination in chilli. The present paper makes an effort to develop an integrated approach for management of aflatoxin contaminating fungus, A. flavus in chilli by evaluating the fungicides, bioagents and plant extracts under in vitro and to evolve a satisfactory management of aflatoxin contamination in chillies using the best performing fungicides, bioagents and plant extracts under field conditions.