Variance analysis results, table ( 1), were showing that between two treatments of peeled and unpeeled fruit,
there was no significant difference in probability level of 5 %. Resulted deformation for both state of perfect kiwi fruit
and its texture indicated that there was no significant difference on probability level of 5% and deformation was
almost equal in both modes. Table (2 ) is showing that skin effect against loading in Kiwi fruit is not meaningful.
Results of this table were an approval for that’s in table (1 ). Calculated Young Modulus of elasticity clarified that
there was no significant difference for both treatments. Analysis of variance revealed that Kiwi fruit texture could
greatly resist against loading and prevent from rupture. Also results demonstrated that toughness in texture was a
little lower than perfect Kiwi fruit and this indicated that there was no necessary forces for breaking Kiwi fruit peel.
The main work was just for disjointing its texture.In resulted force-deformation curves, in unpeeled kiwi fruit, bio yield and rupture point were matched which
revealed that Kiwi fruit didn’t have a tough peel. On the other hand, in resulted force-deformation curves of texture
of kiwi fruit, Bio yield and rupture points were not matched indicated that kiwi fruit had tough texture.
Comparison of Young's modulus results between two treatments; it could be concluded that kiwi fruit have a
tough texture and could show resist against loading. The result was caused by little effect of kiwi fruit skin against
loading. Therefore, kiwi skin was not tough enough and didn’t show a great resistance against loading. These
results were accordance with (Fecket et al., ) results.