We have developed DAQ-Middleware [1,2], a software frame-
work for a distributed data acquisition (DAQ) system based on
robot technology middleware developed by the National Institute
of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology [3]. The DAQ-
Components in DAQ-Middleware are software units used to build
an integrated DAQ system. We developed a prototype o
DAQ-Middleware for MLF and used it to perform beam tests [4]
In May 2008, the instrumentation, including DAQ-Middleware
was commissioned with a first beam at IBARAKI materials design
diffractometer (iMATERIA) in MLF. As of March 2009, 23
beamlines are installed in the neutron experiment hall at MLF
and four instruments used DAQ-Middleware within their own
DAQ sub-systems. In the future the number of DAQ-Middleware
users is expected to increase at MLF.