แปลภาษาอังกฤษเป็นไทย ออนไลน์ แปลภาษา แปลข้อความ แปลบทความ แปลเอกสาร แปลประโยคอังกฤษเป็นไทยทั้งประโยค แปลเอกสารภาษาอังกฤษเป็นภาษาไทยทั้งประโยค แปลประโยคอังกฤษเป็นไทย แปลอังกฤษ แปลไทย ฟรี [Translate] English to Thai Translation Translate Translator , ภาษาอังกฤษ มีใช้ในประเทศออสเตรเลีย แคนาดา ไอร์แลนด์ นิวซีแลนด์ สหราชอาณาจักร สหรัฐอเมริกา ไลบีเรีย เบลีซ แอฟริกาใต้ อินเดีย
While she unpacked,I went to check the house,the kitchen is really big,there are 3 bedrooms and 2 bathroooms.
Oh my gosh,good that there is more than one bedroom so we don't have to sleep together.
I opened the door of the first bedroom,wow,the bed is so big and the view outside is nice. I am so going to take this room.
I don't need to chack the other rooms. I want this. She can just decide between the remaining two rooms.
I went to check on Krystal. Don't get me wrong,not checking because I'm worried or something. I need to tell her where to put
my belongings. I found her,hunched ove the luggages. What is she doing? Oh,she is trying to figure out my password to open
my luggage. Her brows were furrowed as she tried and tried and tried but she still couldn't figure it out. Man,she looks really
ugly right now. I crouched down beside her,she looked up and saw me.
''Hi! How is the house?''She asked and immediately frowned when I shoved her aside and she fell on her side.
''Owww! Why'd you do that?''
''Isn't it obvious? I'm unlocking my bag for you because you're so stupid that you can't even figure it out. My room is
the first one to the left Okay? Put it there. Oh and after you unpack,cook some food for me. I haven't eaten yet.''
When she didn't respond,I looked at her. Her head was bowed down and her whole body was moving up and down.
It was obvious that she was crying. I walked over to her,knelt down and lifted her chin up, She stred at me in shock.
''Don't cry in front of me.''
''Why? Does it make your heart hurt?''She aksed hopefully.
I scoffed.''No,why in the world would you say that/ I hate you. And I asked you not to cry in front of me because I know girls
always cry in front of guys to make them ity her. Ain't gonna work on me.''i pushed her head down. I guess I did it a bit
too hard because she screamed inpain. On please Krystal,if you want to make me fall for you,you gotta try harder. Wait,
I am nover going to fall for that ugly girl. I'm surprised her name isn't Betty...
I went in the room and used my phone while waiting for food.
Krystal POV
Heol,its only the first day and I am only hurt. Why can't he be like other guys who care for their wives. When he said I was trying
to gain his sympathy,it hurt so badly,it hurt even more than the physical harm. Why in the world did I fall for the wrong
guy? I still can't do anything about my feelings though,I like him so much I'm sure its love. I wasn't even sure whether
he would fall for for me. Before I knew it,tears started dropping one by one and it eventually turned into hysterical sobbing.
As much as I wan't to hate him,I can't. Aniya,Krystal,its only the first day, you have everyday to try. I better start unpacking so that
I can cook for the both of us. I'm starving.
Goshhh...writer's block!!! I just really wanted to update so I tried my best...pls comment and subscribe!
แปลภาษาอังกฤษเป็นไทย ออนไลน์ แปลภาษา แปลข้อความ แปลบทความ แปลเอกสาร แปลประโยคอังกฤษเป็นไทยทั้งประโยค แปลเอกสารภาษาอังกฤษเป็นภาษาไทยทั้งประโยค แปลประโยคอังกฤษเป็นไทย แปลอังกฤษ แปลไทย ฟรี [Translate] English to Thai Translate Translator , ภาษาอังกฤษ มีใช้ในประเทศออสเตรเลีย แคนาดา ไอร์แลนด์ นิวซีแลนด์ สหราชอาณาจักร สหรัฐอเมริกา ไลบีเรีย เบลีซ แอฟริกาใต้ อินเดีย
While she unpacked,I went to check the house,the kitchen is really big,there are 3 bedrooms and 2 bathroooms.
Oh my gosh,good that there is more than one bedroom so we don't have to sleep together.
I opened the door of the first bedroom,wow,the bed is so big and the view outside is nice. I am so going to take this room.
I don't need to chack the other rooms. I want this. She can just decide between the remaining two rooms.
I went to check on Krystal. Don't get me wrong,not checking because I'm worried or something. I need to tell her where to put
my belongings. I found her,hunched ove the luggages. What is she doing? Oh,she is trying to figure out my password to open
my luggage. Her brows were furrowed as she tried and tried and tried but she still couldn't figure it out. Man,she looks really
ugly right now. I crouched down beside her,she looked up and saw me.
''Hi! How is the house?''She asked and immediately frowned when I shoved her aside and she fell on her side.
''Owww! Why'd you do that?''
''Isn't it obvious? I'm unlocking my bag for you because you're so stupid that you can't even figure it out. My room is
the first one to the left Okay? Put it there. Oh and after you unpack,cook some food for me. I haven't eaten yet.''
When she didn't respond,I looked at her. Her head was bowed down and her whole body was moving up and down.
It was obvious that she was crying. I walked over to her,knelt down and lifted her chin up, She stred at me in shock.
''Don't cry in front of me.''
''Why? Does it make your heart hurt?'' She aksed hopefully.
I scoffed.''No,why in the world would you say that/ I hate you. And I asked you not to cry in front of me because I know girls
always cry in front of guys to make them ity her. Ain't gonna work on me.''i pushed her head down. I guess I did it a bit
too hard because she screamed inpain. On please Krystal,if you want to make me fall for you,you gotta try harder. Wait,
I am nover going to fall for that ugly girl. I'm surprised her name isn't Betty...
I went in the room and used my phone while waiting for food.
Krystal POV
Heol,its only the first day and I am only hurt. Why can't he be like other guys who care for their wives. When he said I was trying
to gain his sympathy,it hurt so badly,it hurt even more than the physical harm. Why in the world did I fall for the wrong
guy? I still can't do anything about my feelings though,I like him so much I'm sure its love. I wasn't even sure whether
he would fall for for me. Before I knew it,tears started dropping one by one and it eventually turned into hysterical sobbing.
As much as I wan't to hate him,I can't. Aniya,Krystal,its only the first day, you have everyday to try. I better start unpacking so that
I can cook for the both of us. I'm starving.
Goshhh...writer's block! !! I just really wanted to update so I tried my best...pls comment and subscribe!
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