3.7.2. Real samples Sea water samples. An analysis of two different seawater
samples (Cantabric and Mediterranean)was performed. In
both cases, the amount of Sb(III) was under the detection limit.
In order to determine total antimony, the reduction of Sb(V)
to Sb(III) is a prerequisite. Substances that have been used for
this purpose include hydrazine sulphate, sulphur dioxide and
a combination of sodium thiosulphate, potassium iodide and
l-cysteine [32–35]. In this work, the Sb(V) contained in the
sample was reduced to Sb(III) with l-cysteine. The results are
summarized in Table 2. The high concentration of antimony
found in the Cantabric sample is due to the sample was taken
near of an industrial area. Drug samples. The procedure described in this paper
was applied to the determination of Sb(III) and total antimony
concentration in a commercial sample of Glucantime®. The
results obtained are shown in Table 2. Good agreement was
obtained between the total concentration of antimony found by
the proposed method and the values supplied by the manufacturer
(6.98×10−1 ±0.35×10−1 M).
In all cases, measurements were checked using ICP-MS as a
reference technique.