Your profile/account has been closed
Why is my profile closed?
It's probably because you have done one or more of the following:
Behaved rudely
Used profanities, dirty, offensive or sexual language.
Asked for money
Offered or sent money (If no one ever offers/sends money, no one will ever ask for money...)
Offered prostitution / escort services or sought prostitutes / escorts
Neglected to report / flag certain offenses to us (in our site reporting certain offences is mandatory)
Created more than one profile
Uploaded a photo that was not of yourself, or your photo was inappropriate
Child in photo (even your own child/children or yourself as a child is not allowed)
Identity Theft/Impersonation or in any other way created a fake profile with false information
Spammed by sending the same message to many different members
Advertising and/or linking to other sites
Made false complaints about other members
Discriminated other members for their sexual orientation
In any other way violated our terms of use
Who decided that my profile should be closed?
Usually this is done by our other members. Whenever someone makes a complaint, this complaint is stored in our system. When the number of complaints towards a profile reaches a certain level, that profile is closed.
Are there any other reasons for which my profile could have been closed?
We have spam and profanity filters in place. These filters may have decided to close your profile.
For how long will my profile remain closed?
Usually permanently. Howevever, on rare occations our filters or reporting system is in error. If this applies to your case, your profile will be reopened shortly.
Why didn't you warn me before closing my profile?
We did. When you signed up to this site you agreed to comply with our terms of use, or otherwise your account would be closed. There are also warnings on the chat/message pages and on the profile edit pages regarding this.
Can people still see my photo and other profile information?
No. We have removed your photo and it is no longer possible to view your profile.