'Poor Platt,' he said. 'I'm sorry to find you like this,' 'Thank God that you've come at last, Master Ford,' I said. He cut the rope from my hands and feet and pulled the rope over my head. I tried to walk but I fell like a drunk man. When it was dark I went to my cabin, where I lay down. Eliza made food and drink for me, while Rachel told the other slaves the whole story. The next morning I went back on the kitchen house. Tibeats rode up during the morning and began to work too. We completed the job, and Tibeats said nothing about what had happened.
Our next job was out of sight of the house. Again I worked alone with Tibeats. I worked in a state of fear, with one eye on my work and the other on my master. About three days later, I was nailing up a piece of timber. 'That's not straight,' Tibeats said. 'I think it's about right,' I said 'Don't lie to me,' he said. 'It's too high on the right.' Okay, Master,' I said, and moved it down on the right before nailing it into place. 'Now it's all wrong!' he shouted. He was very angry. I stood there without speaking. I didn't know what to do. He became crazy, and picked up a metal bar. 'I'm going to cut your head open!' he screamed, running towards me. It was a moment of life or death. I pulled the bar from his hand and threw it into the trees. I pushed him to the ground and put my hands around his throat. His face began to go black. Tibeats wanted to kill me, but I didn't want to kill him.