This study supports that the consumption of cocoa extract
as part of a ready-to-eat meals and within a hypocaloric
diet, improve oxidative status (oxLDL) in middle-aged
subjects, and particularly in men, supporting the antioxidant effect of cocoa flavanols. However, additional
research is needed to better understand the role of cocoa
flavanols in cardiovascular diseases. Thus, a long-term trial
including a larger sample of men, could contribute to
clarify these promising findings.
This study supports that the consumption of cocoa extractas part of a ready-to-eat meals and within a hypocaloricdiet, improve oxidative status (oxLDL) in middle-agedsubjects, and particularly in men, supporting the antioxidant effect of cocoa flavanols. However, additionalresearch is needed to better understand the role of cocoaflavanols in cardiovascular diseases. Thus, a long-term trialincluding a larger sample of men, could contribute toclarify these promising findings.
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