Heyo, while l'm really enjoying this game there are a few things l've observed that I feel are worth discussion.
Firstly, do yall think there should be a parameter when the game is choosing a new collector in extraction that makes the game select the player with the most health? I've frequently been chosen to be the collector while near death, which of course, blows. I've also seen many teammates chosen to be the collector mere milliseconds before they are killed in a firefight, which means our team must wait two cycles before we are able to score again.
Another thing l've noticed is that I only seem to run into enemies that use only the sheild or grenade equipment, and how effective both are! Is it maybe too early to expect to see some of the later-tier equipment, or are those just too good to not use?
What little(or not so little) things do you notice gameplay-wise that you feel should be brought up?