31. There is no required continuing professional development for members of the
LICPA. Without such a requirement and corresponding means of enforcement, it is
unlikely that members will develop or maintain necessary professional skills.10 However,
continuing professional education must never be regarded as a substitute for the essential
foundation provided by pre-qualification student education.
32. Professionals working in small local accountancy firms lack capacity to
undertake audits in line with international good practices. Many practitioners, who
8 IFAC has issued IES 4, Professional Values, Ethics, and Attitudes; and Educational Guideline No. 10,
Professional Ethics for Accountants: The Educational Challenge and Practical Application.
9 IFAC IES 5, Practical Experience Requirements, requires that the professional body ensure all candidates
receive adequate practical experience.
10 IFAC has issued IES 7, Continuing Professional Development, A Program of Lifelong Learning and
Continuing Development of Professional Competence.
Lao PDR -- ROSC Accounting and Auditing 9
focus more on bookkeeping, accounts preparation, and taxation services are handicapped
by their lack of access to current literature on IFRS and ISA. The LICPA does not
provide any technical advisory support and does not make available practical tools such
as implementation guidance or audit manuals. Such valuable member services should be
regarded as a key function of any modern professional accountancy body.