This paper attempts to answer the usually neglected ethical questions of the interaction between tour
ism workers and participants in tourism movements and users of tourism services in general. Contact
with numerous people in the work place, dynamic work with customers, continuous phone calls and
stress due to constant responsibility, are just some of the conditions which tourism workers encoun
ter on the daily basis and which sometimes make them ask themselves: Am I really able to do this job?
Will their behaviour with each customer be ethical? Will they be able to hide from the customers their
stress, nervousness and mental fatigue? Have all the employees in travel agencies attended the training
courses in communication with customers, or does everything depend on their own decisions and home
upbringing? Is it worth taking risk and putting agency`s reputation at stake? Which moral dilemmas
do the tour guides encounter on the journeys? These are just some of the questions which will be put in
the spotlight in this paper. The aim of this paper is to indicate the necessity to establish the codes of con
duct for all professionals who are in direct contact with tourists.
Ethics, Tourism, Services, Travel agencies, Communication