Dear Mr. Saravut,
Looking to market situation in Cambodia for this month are very difficult to fight with the borderline product since we have increased our margin because our product are very high price if compared with borderline product. Below is the some different price between Mistine Cambodia Vs Borderline in the market:
Mistine Borderline Diff
1- Mistine No.1 Super powder Diamond $3.59 $3.06 $0.53
2- Mistine Flower BB Powder $4.13 $3.31 $0.82
3- Mistine Angel Aura BB Powder $3.36 $2.7 $0.66
4- Mistine Super Star Award Powder $4.54 $3.2 $1.34
5- Mistine Super Black Eye liner $3.67 $2.7 $0.97
6- Mistine Maxi Black Eye liner $3.67 $2.7 $0.97
7- Mistine Top Country 600g $2.88 $2.0 $0.88
8- Mistine Melaklear $2.32 $1.7 $0.62
This is just highlight some product that high different price vs borderline price cause our sales team in this week can not performed well. And our current customer back to buy from borderline product.
As for the regional salesman, they are very difficult to sales as well because they facing with:
1- Price : if compared with borderline and some of customer they order from Phnom Penh with low price than us and borderline also direct supply as well.
2- Product: We can sell only product from Damco shipment only so they cannot supply the customer need for other product.
Totally, now we are facing with the price problems and i will keep follow up with our sales team and pushing to find other market to expand our market size as well.
I will keep you updated.