By enforcing the Amendment to the Land Nationalization Act2
Table 2.1 shows the total output of paddy rice in Ayeyarwady Delta over a twenty-year period beginning 1963-64 to 1986-87. According to these figures, the sown acreage of in 1965, the landlord system, which had prevailed for over a century, was finally abolished during the Revolutionary Council period. Since agriculture is the mainstay of Myanmar economy, the Socialist government undertook support measures, such as cultivation of fallow lands, construction of irrigation facilities for dry zones, flood-control work, and expansion of areas devoted to multicropping. In addition, the necessary agricultural inputs and farm implements, such as quality seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, tractors, and water pumps, were distributed to farmers to encourage intensive cultivation. To boost output through higher productivity, the government also implemented a “Green Revolution” featuring the use of chemical fertilizers and high-yielding varieties (HYV) of seeds.
By enforcing the Amendment to the Land Nationalization Act2
Table 2.1 shows the total output of paddy rice in Ayeyarwady Delta over a twenty-year period beginning 1963-64 to 1986-87. According to these figures, the sown acreage of in 1965, the landlord system, which had prevailed for over a century, was finally abolished during the Revolutionary Council period. Since agriculture is the mainstay of Myanmar economy, the Socialist government undertook support measures, such as cultivation of fallow lands, construction of irrigation facilities for dry zones, flood-control work, and expansion of areas devoted to multicropping. In addition, the necessary agricultural inputs and farm implements, such as quality seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, tractors, and water pumps, were distributed to farmers to encourage intensive cultivation. To boost output through higher productivity, the government also implemented a “Green Revolution” featuring the use of chemical fertilizers and high-yielding varieties (HYV) of seeds.
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