The additional information is much appreciated, unfortunately does not give me an idea of your systems and procedures. What you have in mind introducing, though the items make use of the core items we have, are completely a different menu product line. I assume you did a time and motion study at the store level how all of these will play into the operations, storage of china and silverware, washing procedures, preparation area, packaging if ordered for take out (I assume that you will not say "no" to a customer if she ordered it for take out), serving and bussing procedures, where is the location for the dirty china and silverware, etc.
The question I have on the sink system was not a reference to the local health department issue and as to what category the concept falls, as I can see it, with these new items will require you to be almost full service (except maybe for the ordering stage), and with the supplies you used, I am having a challenge picturing how the clean, rinse and sanitize can be done with a 2 sink system.
If you do have a systems and procedures set up, kindly send these over, particularly for central Lardprao. Please do not get me wrong, as Kay mentioned, the idea of using Ice Cream (or initially the TCBY White Chocolate Mousse) has been presented, we just need to make sure that you have a system set up to do this properly. And the way I can see it from the suggested menu items, we can probably approve some of the items that require simple operational procedures to let you test thsse ideaa.