You won't believe what I said now, but you will find the truth at the end of the jungle, believe it or not!
Its you! Don't think you can find here!
You know me? Who are you!
It not important for who I am, you going to die soon, Haha, I felt so excited!
The battle style of allied force officer just now look so familiar, seem like saw somewhere......
Ahh, that's a pirate leader from Somalia, defeated by MBF once!
Huh......Why is the allied force in collaboration with them?
It's nothing weird, right? Allied force used Virus X to change soldier's DNA, pirates of Somalia are always the backup of Machine Civilization......
Cooperation for own benefit is normal, the Mediterraneum Fleet also in collaboration with Alibaba Knights Team right?
The Meditterraneum Fleet is only a team of rebels forces, at least Nikita not doing this!
Hehe, Nikita only a pawn for my plot!
How about you, which side are you from?
Me? You will know soon!
This jungle is full of react for Virus X, Be careful.
Huh, you still care for my life?
You are the most important pawn for me, the game will be not fun without you, Hehe......
Damn, don't be so pleased, I will get you one day!
Hehe, I'm waiting that day to come......
Evolution Hive. Allied force already manage to make this, what a surprise!
(Echo from jungle) So surprised you found here, Natasha, can you hear me!
What?!!! Evan, you are still alived!
(Echo from jungle)Haha, alive? How come I will die, right, Natasha? My dearest student, or I should called you 'the queen'?
The leader of Crimson Heart or Machine Civilizarion? I could not get this achievement without you, that's God!
The Queen, Crimson Heart, Head of Machine Civilization, is it your true identity, Natasha?
Not that easy like you think, listen, now the only thing you have to do is find out Evan, if not things will become worse!
Haha......Are you looking for me? I'm everywhere, come find me, I'm waiting you all!
Who I can believe now, maybe, only the weapon on my hand!
Listen, we need to focus same objective, the biggest threat now is Evan......
(Angry) Enough! Why I trust a foreign leader, the most dangerous enemy of human!
Natasha, don' let me get you. I will revenge for Nikita and all members of MBF!
Hehe, then lets find me, kill Evan then you can find me!
Allied force and Evan only eyes on benefit. Humans! Can trade with evil for own interests, even betray their team mates!