I would like to discuss about operator training program of SASC, including next year plan.
Operator training is a very important issue for stable and continuously improving performance of SASC,
which is critical to gain customers reliance on SASC.
However, at this moment, our operator training system is not efficient enough and the result we have is only a little.
Please join and bring your idea about what and how we have to do to the discussion.
I would like to hold the first meeting on 25th , Wednesday, 13:00.
If you have any inconvenience on the schedule.
Please let me know.
What I want to focus at this moment are ;
1. Yearly WI re-training schedule
2. The rule of operator training after WI revision
3. New operator training (What , how, by whom, how to evaluate)
4. Scheme of operator skill evaluation
5. Operator training scheme when position changed and evaluation
6. Recording method of history of training and skill evaluation of each operator