The effect of low voltage electrical stimulation after dressing (ES) on color stability and water holding capacity (WHC) of beef was investigated. Nine Swedish red cattle were slaughtered and the left side was electrically stimulated (80 V, 35s) approximately 30 min after stunning, whereas the other side was not treated and used as control. Color and its stability, WHC, and protein solubility were evaluated on longissimus lumborum muscles from the two sides. ES produced a brighter red color at 24 h mainly by increasing the oxygenation capacity of myoglobin (P < 0.01), which was attenuated by postmortem aging. ES did not affect WHC, protein solubility and color stability (P > 0.05). Therefore, this technology could accelerate meat tenderization without any negative effect on commercial attributes, such as color or drip of bovine longissimus muscle.