The ICNP catalogue, Palliative Care for Dignified Dying, is a palliative care terminology subset of the ICNP. The development of the palliative care intervention terminology subset included having palliative care clinical experts participate in developing content sets based on evidence and clinical expertise. Then the terms and concepts were mapped to the ICNP terminology. The intervention terminology was then reviewed by palliative care nurses with more than 20 years of experience providing palliative nursing care. These expert reviewers participated in a modified Delphi process for reviewing original and refined subsets of the ICNP terminology, which provided content and face validity (Coenen & Kim, 2010). For the purposes of this study, we took the international nursing intervention classification listing of the 105 palliative care interventions to create the survey. Nurses were asked to rate each intervention on a 4-point summative rating scale (4 = very important and 1 = not at all
important). An open-ended question asked participants to name any other palliative care interventions used to promote dignified dying. The survey also included seven demographic items, including educational level and number of years in nursing practice.