Spirulina is a cyan bacterium that can be consumed by humans and other animals and is made primarily fi species of cyan bacteria: Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima. Spirulina is simple one-celled micr blue green algae with the scientific name Arthrospira platensis. Under a microscope, spirulina appears thin, blue-green spiral threads. The odor and taste of spirulina is similar to seaweed. Spirulina can be found freshwater environments, including ponds, lakes, and rivers. It thrives best under pestici conditio plenty of sunlight and moderate temperature levels, but it is also highly adaptable, surviving even in extreme condition remain some basic reasons behind the choice of spirulina as the production substance a) Spirulina is the most easily collectable algae than others in Bangladesh. b) According to the availability and easily collectability spirulina is the lowest cost algae than others c) with the present work for algal fuel in Bangladesh, spirulina the common one for the technology is is most here. and some laboratories in BUET have the known facility to work with sp and wi expertise knowledge is available for this.