a b s t r a c t
Many European countries are faced with health workforce shortages and the need to
develop effective recruitment and retention (R&R) strategies. Yet comparative studies on
R&R in Europe are scarce. This paper provides an overview of the measures in place to
improve the R&R of health professionals across Europe and offers further insight into the
evidence base for R&R; the interaction between policy and organisational levels in driving
R&R outcomes;the facilitators and barriers throughoutthese process; and good practices in
the R&R of health professionals across Europe. The study adopted a multi-method approach
combining an extensive literature review and multiple-case study research. 64 publications
were included in the review and 34 R&R interventions from 20 European countries were
included in the multiple-case study. We found a consistent lack of evidence about the
effectiveness of R&R interventions. Most interventions are not explicitly part of a coherent