strong technical assistance under the ILO's Promotional
Framework Convention on Occupational Safety and
Health (No. 187, 2006). Representatives from trade
unions and employers' organizations also participated in
the plan's development.
The plan prioritizes Cambodia's OSH needs into six
action areas, as the following explains:
Action 1: Strengthen the national OSH system
The DOSH will review and enact essential additions to
the OSH legislation to strengthen it where needed. This
will have to be done with the buy-in and commitment
from the tripartite partners. Hence, the DOSH will
need to develop a tripartite consultation mechanism
and strengthen collaboration among the partners.
Collaboration will need to extend beyond the regular
tripartite partners as well. Other ministries or agencies
and international organizations and non-government
organizations will also be involved in the further
development of the national OSH system.
Another area of work within this action point is to
encourage and assist local enterprises in establishing
systems to improve OSH management in the workplace.
The DOSH also will focus on disseminating practical
OSH information to companies and workers to enhance
their awareness of relevant issues.