These included an aging population,
an increase in the number of working
women, households with fewer members, and
a decline in the number of small and mediumsized
retail stores. SEJ expanded the 7-Eleven
chain by prioritizing high-density, concentrated
store openings under its market concentration
strategy. At the same time, SEJ reinforced its
sales capabilities by developing high-quality
original products and extending its lineup of
the daily essentials that consumers expect
from convenience stores. Many convenience
stores are small and have limited shelf space.
They therefore tend to risk stock depletions
and opportunity losses. SEJ enhances its order
placement capabilities through the advice that
Operations Field Consultants provide each
franchised store and by extensively training
store staff. We consider that SEJ has performed
well in attending to changes in
sentiment and achieving high profitability.
We have also positioned SEJ as a
core driver of Group growth.