Anyway, I need to ask you too, what are you doing here? In a place like this.”
“Don’t you see? Leveling.”
(Tl note: best line so far throughout the series)
Yu saying it nonchalantly. Gathering tens of thousands of ants and call it leveling. Even if it was a full party, they won’t believe this kind of method.
“Look. This guy here is the queen ant larva so they will just run chasing after it.”
Yu placed the queen ant larva on his arms and poked at it. Only after several times, he poked it, it kind of moving.
“Alright, can you carry this thing for a while? But don’t go near the anthill.”
“I won’t do that even when you don’t tell me.”
Lalit was going to grab the ant queen larva before someone prevented him.
“Are you going to hurt master?”
Lalit is surprised at the coldness of the elder lich hands and the parts where was gripped hurting and turned cold and the color of the skin even changed already.
“Russ, what are you doing?”
“Odono-san, why it’s so noisy?”
Russ is the name of the Elder lich that is grabbing Lalit hands. Holding some shell of the ants on the side, one of the demi-human children was coming over tu Yu side.
“Is that the enemy? You, what have you done! If you do something to Odono-san I won’t forgive you? Even though I’m small, I’m strong.”
The children of the demi-human threw a punch at Lalit but stopped when he hears Yu.
“Russ, he is not an enemy. More importantly, Namari it seemed your hand is burned. Come, I’ll treat you.”
“Odono-san, thank you.”
Despite Yu tone was kind of scolding him, Namari held out his hand that was burned and happily stretch it to Yu.
“Russ, you can let his hand go.”
The elder lich also released Lalit arm and stand next to Yu while kept on glaring at Lalit.
“Lalit… surely you don’t tell anyone I’m here alright? Not even to Nina?”
“I didn’t tell them of course, but… do you know what kind of state is the girls in?”
“Nina? I heard she is now dungeoning with high spirit. What else?”
Lalit can only put blank expression hearing Yu’s reply.
“That is… a lie…”
“No, that’s true.”
Then for five minutes, Lalit fell on all fours. He was going here in desperation searching for Yu for Nina. However, Nina has regained her composure and was dungeoning. Lalit wanted to kill himself when he heard that.
“Well… cheer up. However please don’t tell about my location to Nina. Because I need to level up in this dungeon if not, I will change dungeon.”
After that Yu gave Lalit some full magic ball of the ants of rank 6 to Lalit but he didn’t react.
“I don’t know what happened uncle. But please cheer up. I was also scolded by odono-san like leaving the vegetables unattended but I will keep on working hard!” Russ hit Lalit head several times but Lalit was like a stone statue.
“Alright, let’s move. Lalit, you can’t stay in this place forever.”
After Yu was gone, Lalit finally move.
“What, who’s an uncle… damn…”
“Look over there, Nina is back.”
“really, they come back? They just crushed the nest of 「Wyvern」.”
Outside of the Zanrikku village, three people were standing. This time, the mission that they took was subjugation of wyvern.
“Ah, truly my Rena-chan is amazing.”
“What’s with this your Rena-chan did you make her pregnant? Are you courting death?”
“Eh, Rena-chan of course still a virgin. Who said about pregnancy before?”
After each mission, Nina and the girls were always welcomed like this by the adventurers. However slowly the number of their fans were increasing. After that, they entered the adventurer building.
“I am going to the second floor. Lena, are you coming? Mari-chan are you coming too?”
“No… tired.”
“You can go; I have some business to do.”
After reporting about the quest, Nina moved up to the second floor. However, before she stepped up to the second floor, three people came from behind and teased her with some vulgar language. Not long after, the three people that teased her has been disappeared from the adventurer guild. In a nearby back alley, there was a familiar figure of three people but they are in a tragic state.