3.4. Total phenolic content versus radical scavengingactivity
Among the seven sampl es analyze d, the three methanolic fract ions showe d a signi ficant phenolic co ntent
and radica l scavengin g activity. In general , extra cts
or fractions wi th a high radical scavengi ng acti vity
showe d a high phen olic content as well, but good correlations could not be foun d amon g them (see Fig. 1 ).
A direct correlation between radical scavenging activity and phenolic content of the samples was demonstrated by linear regression analysis. The correlation
coefficient between total phenolics and DPPH and
between total phenolics and CL found to be 0.425
and 0.375, respectively. In general, the ethyl acetate
fraction showed the highest TPC and the highest
radical scavenging activity in both the tests of DPPH
and CL.