In the previous section we outlined five criteria that our obstacle avoidance algorithm needed to have to be compatible with our design architecture. We did not want to completely reinvent the wheel so we did an extensive literature search on different obstacle avoidance algorithms. This section will examine several of the predominate algorithms being used today. Several of the references that will be discussed do not outline a formal algorithm, but by reading the material a general understanding of the algorithm is achieved. These papers usually refer to other works that explain in greater detail the algorithm being used. The remainder of the section is organized as follows. Subsection
4.3.1 examines wall-following techniques of avoidance. Subsection
4.3.2 discusses “black hole” techniques. Subsection
4.3.3 presents the idea of path-computing techniques. Subsection
4.3.4 considers potential field techniques. Finally, Subsection
4.3.5 describes histogram techniques.