companies, that is, those companies that you feel can benefit from your sponsor ship opportunities. The difference between the target company analysis approach and the hit-or-miss approach is the difference between using a rifle and shotgun. In the first instance you can your target in second you simply hope you can get close enough to score some points, The more precisely you identify the spon- sorship needs of company and aim your sponsorship package to them, the more successful you will be. The key mistake to avoid is to assume that all com panies will want, need, and use a sponsorship package in the same way. Also don't overlook companies that are not presently using sponsorship. These com panies can sometimes be important new target markets for sponsorship pack ages. However, nonsponsoring companies will likely require a great dea of servicing, since they will have very little knowledge of how sponsorship can po tentially fit their needs, Use the Target Company Analysis Worksheet as a guide to the type of in formation you should collect about potential sponsors. You should never, neter approach a company about a sponsorship package without first undertaking thi analys.