This leading-edge programme, established before many in the built environment field were aware of greenhouse gases, has produced a stream of high-achieving graduates, sought after by the biggest names in building design and the construction industry. We attract students from across the globe eager to find positions here in london or to take relevant, cutting-edge thinking about sustainable building design back to their own part of the world. The programme aims to develop students' knowledge and expertise in problem solving in the area of the built environment, and provide a framework for developing innovative thinking in the design and operation of buildings, placing associated environmental issues in a global, national and personal context. Most students who complete the programme move into, or continue in, a building-related profession, such as architecture, low-energy design consultancy, or building services engineering. As the awareness of global environmental issues increases, the demand for people with expertise in the health and energy performance of buildings is expanding rapidly. A number of students have used the MSc as a foundation for MPhil/PhD research.