Ann: Her lungs are clear with some decrease breathe sounds in the bases. Ms. K has been doing great with the Volurex and doing it every hour. She is on the nasal cannula at 2 liters and O2 sats have been at 99%. She did bring her own CPAP that she uses at night and there is an order for an open CPAP. Ms. K. I am going to show Sarah your suture line. She has a little amount of drainage as you can see. The G tube has been draining and there are no problems there. She does have a Foley and her output has been adequate.Her IV is LR at 200/hr. As you can see her IV site
looks great and the tag came off so I marked it with the Sharpie to assure we are keeping up with the date for changing it if needed.Also, at 4 am we drew a BMP and CBC so you should have those results this Morning. I talk with Ms K that it was important to turn and that we would be getting her up today and start getting her back on track with walking.