The conceptual distinction between best-in-market versus best-in-segment played itself out in the
debate with regional R&D over whether the product should include improved wings. The premium
Always brand had upgraded to a larger, flexible wing which provided increased protection. “Should
we keep it or should we not keep it in the Básico version? Will it get too similar to the premium line-
up? And there were people that said no let’s go for cost, let’s cut this wing, and I said no guys that’s
not the principle. Always is about superiority. The wing was an integral part of that. We didn’t
damage the principal of the brand, we are a company that sells superior products that build equity.”
The team argued to maintain it and had support from senior leaders in Cincinnati, such us Alvaro
Restrepo, Global R&D head for Feminine Care, who emphasized the importance of upgrading the
premium line-up as well. “It was healthy to have people not under the local market pressure giving
their perspectives,” Azevedo said. “It forced us to imagine alternative scenarios about what could go
wrong, despite all the customer and consumer excitement.” Eroding the premium Always line-up
was an important concern highlighted by Cincinnati. This was incorporated into the project through a
planned premium Always enhancement four months after the Básico launch. This upgrade would
nurture the superior protection equity the mid-tier borrowed from, while providing room for mid-
tier improvements.