Cut to Megakat Biochemical, with the two remaining bacteria monsters approaching it. It's a big, fortress-like building surrounded by a perimeter of artilerry cannons (!). Inside, we find Callie, Feral and Feral's pilot talking to Dr. N. Zyme (Paul Eiding). Mayor Manx is nowhere to be seen, oddly. N. Zyme is a wiry cat with curly red hair who appears to be the scientist in charge of the place, and the owner of one of this show's silliest name puns. He identifies the purple monsters as "giant bacteria" a little too easily, but I'll cut him some slack since he's a scientist and therefore is a little more knowledgable about these kinds of things than Razor is. Anyway, he reveals he intends to use "the most powerful antibiotics known" against the creatures, showing a test tube filled with an orange-ish liquid.