Impact of textile industries on the ground water quality of
Contamination of Noyyal river. Thompson et al., (1995)
reported that, Noyal river a Tributory of Cauvery, Dye mid
– effluent samples contain, higher amount of pb. The studies
on the ground water quality of industrial site of Tiruppur,
suggested that effluents are let into the dry noyyal river
the environmental issues are prominent. The concentration
of heavy metals like Zn, Pb, Cd were also higher when
compared with the Indian standards for drinking water. The
heavy metals like Zn, Pb, Cd exceeded the permissible level
in both tube and open wells. Ground water mining
association the industrial is common in this area. Non point
sources, especially run-off from these index units are how
by far the principle sources of both environmental and toxic
water pollutants in this area.