And..if humans don't need the rain, or they want me to close all the holes, how can i know their wish?, Phraya thaen asked.
"Don't worry.If humans get enough water, they will signal to you by preparing their "Wotes" and throwing them into the sky. The "Wotes" make sounds to tell you that have gotten enough rain for their rice paddy so you can close the holes.", Phraya Kankark replied.
When every party came to an agreement, Phraya Kark ordered Narks to regularly take turns to go swimming in the large lake every year and then, Phraya Kankark and his army came back to Earth.There have been seasonal rains since then.
The Isan's tale, "Phraya Kankark" is the inspiration of Boon Bang Fai tradition (Rocket Festival) of Isan's people which is held on the Thai 6 month, annual festival of merit-making.