The Human Capital Report provides one such tool:
the Human Capital Index. The Index quantifies how
countries are developing and deploying their human
capital and tracks progress over time. It takes a life course
approach to human capital, evaluating the levels
of education, skills and employment available to people
in five distinct age groups, starting from under 15s to the
over 65s. The Index covers 124 countries, representing
between them 92% of the world’s people and 98% of its
GDP. It measures present performance against an ideal
benchmark, and offers insight into how well a country is
positioned for deploying talent in the future. In addition
to the Index, the Report provides comprehensive
information on the talent base in each country, including
information on education levels of the employed,
unemployed and the inactive members of the population
as well as the specific qualifications of the latest entrants
to the workforce.