The tendency to decreasing Srel for lignin degradation with an extended colonization period has been described by Fackler
et al. (2007), where spruce wood was colonized with C. subvermispora and T. versicolor for 5 and 10 wks, and by Okano et al.
(2006) with sugarcane bagasse colonized for 8, 12 and 16 wks with L. edodes and C. subvermispora. A decrease in Srel with
increasing length of colonization indicates degradation of lignin and other components, such as hemicellulose and cellulose.
Probably, during longer colonization, there is no longer fungi C and N starvation, which is a prerequisite to trigger synthesis of
lignolytic enzymes (Kaal et al., 1993). The increased availability of nutrients in the colonized substrate might shift synthesis
of lignolytic enzymes to synthesis of cellulolytic enzymes.