4.3 Recommendations
From Figure 4.1, it can be observed that major portion of MSW is non
recyclable/food waste. As this cannot be recycled, the emissions from this type of waste
can only be minimized by minimizing the generation of that waste. This is possible only
by changing the way people used to do things. To minimize the food waste at the facility
it is recommended to use reusable containers in place of Styrofoam or any other non
recyclable containers. One other reason to minimize this type of waste is to save on
landfilling and waste hauling costs.
It is also observed that mixed office paper which can be easily recycled is being
landfilled, adding to carbon emissions. When separate recycling containers are set up to
collect MOP and recycled, there will be a net reduction in overall emissions by 11.259
MTCE and annual revenue generated from recycling MOP is $ 1453. Compared to other
waste components, importance should be given to MOP recycling. From the emissions
point, if the facility recycles all the recyclables, the overall emissions will go down
considerably from 7 MTCE to -11 MTCE. The net revenue generated when all the
recyclable waste components are recycled is $2911. The results in Tables 4.3 & 4.4 not
only suggest what should be done but also what can’t be done. Even though cardboard,
plastics, magazines and newspapers can be recycled, it is not recommended to focus on
these before having a proper plan for MOP. If all of plastics and cardboard are captured
and recycled. It only reduces the net emissions by 1 MTCE compared to 11 MTCE by
MOP alone. The revenue from recycling all plastic and cardboard is $ 410 compared to
$1453 from MOP alone.
Based on the results, recycling magazines and newspaper have impact neither in
emissions reductions nor in revenue generation. From Table 4.5, it is observed that
annual revenue from recycling newspaper alone is $9 and emissions reduction will differ
by 0.01 MTCE. So, these waste components can be ignored. Improving the current
recycling program is a common recommendation to any facility. This helps the facility to
adapt to any changes in the future.