We are pleased to provide access to you for your DHL Account Payable accounts via DHL EzyBill internet system. You have been assigned as the Company Admin of DHL EzyBill for your company.
As the Company Adminstrator, you have administrative rights to Add or Modify or Delete Users (second level who do not have admin rights) within your company. You can provide ALL access or restrict view of the accounts under your portfolio for the second level users.
EzyBill system gives you access to your outstanding invoices, supporting paperwork as well as query your invoices online without having to pickup the telephone. The system runs 24/7 and supports invoices in Excel, PDF or CSV formats as you require thus permitting easy integration to your Payable systems. You no longer need to call DHL hotline for an AWB copy or documentation - they are easily available online. Most importantly they help you to save the environment by "Going Green" & reduce the carbon footprint as much as possible.
You can now access DHL EzyBill by clicking this link: https://ezybill.dhl.com
Your user ID is your email address.
For security reasons, the password is generic system generated & you will be prompted to change to one that you can remember easily for subsequent use.
If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact us at via email ezybill.thailand@dhl.com
Yours sincerely,
DHL Thailand EzyBill Team
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